Washing Feet

Some of you have never served anybody in your life… You don’t even think that way! You think it’s belittling to be a servant. But I’m telling you that serving is empowering!

When Christ got ready to show us how high He was, He did it by showing us how low He could become. He took on the form of a servant, wrapped a towel around His waist like a waiter, dropped down on His knees, and started washing feet.

How dare you talk about what you’re too good to do!

– This post has been Remixed and Borrowed from the sermon, Principles of Service by T.D. Jakes.

Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator from Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.


The Dad I Never Had

“Who would’ve thought I’d be the dad I never had.?” – Jay Z from Adnis

I’m fully invested and glad to be a dad. My daughter needs me.

Our Daughters Need Us.


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator from Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.

Are you human?

Every human has what it takes to battle through adversity. However, adversity always brings us to a moment of choice.

A moment when we choose to be a victim or a victor.

A moment when we choose to press forward or to remain still.

A moment when we choose to win or we choose to be defeated.

We ALL have to face adversity – MANY TIMES! Some of us will choose to “fight” and as a result, we become tougher. Some of us will choose to be pitiful, throw a pity party, feel sorry for ourselves, quit, and drown!

Some of us choose to drown. Drown in our own sorrow. Drown in our own tears. Drown in the same adversity that thousands of other humans chose to swim out of.

If you’re going through something, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are human, and trust me – you can get through this. But only if you choose to!


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.

The Laws of Physics and Your Beginning

The laws of physics make it impossible to have a brand new beginning. But, it is more than possible to create a brand new ending.

Opportunity comes to those who create it. Patience is a virtue, but don’t spend your entire career, your entire parenthood, your entire life – waiting for magic to happen. There is no magic.

There is only physics. Gravity, space, atoms, science.

Start where you are and use what you already have. Begin anew and create opportunity for you and your family.

God Bless.

Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. For more tips and insight, follow him on Instagram @instagram.com/mauriceguestjr

I Am Grateful… But Not Satisfied.

God woke me up.

I have food.

I have water.

I have clothes.

I have shelter.


But not satisfied.

We are here to do more than just survive. We should count our blessings but still know that God rewards work ethic and ambition. Just make sure you hold on to your integrity.

God Bless.

Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. For more insight, follow him on Instagram @instagram.com/mauriceguestjr

When We Lose our Excuses, We Find Our Results.

No one wants to hear your excuse, so stop making them.

Instead of making excuses, make adjustments. Take on an “adjustment” mindset.

When you stumble, adjust.

When you fall short, adjust.

When you make mistakes or fail, adjust.

Please, we must stop blaming our weaknesses and shortcomings on someone or something else. We must reflect on our own actions, and then make the proper ADJUSTMENTS!


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Listening with an Open Mind and a Closed Mouth.

All to often, we listen with the intent to disprove or come up with a “come back.” Therefore, we never fully grasp what the other person, the world, or God is trying to tell us.

Practice listening without countering.

Practice listening with an open mind and a closed mouth.

Practice listening with the intent to fully understand.


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas.

From Dream to Reality – In Three Simple Steps.

Step 1: Dream Boldly and Without Fear!

Erase the fear of dreaming big. If your dream is big, audacious, and almost unbelievable – good! Own it! Don’t allow fear or an impoverished mindset derail or minimize your dream. Your dream is directly aligned with your purpose. And your purpose is blessed by the most high.

Step 2: Write it Down!

Transfer the dream from your mind to a piece of paper. Next, attach a date to your dream. A dream written down with a definite deadline becomes a goal. Next, break the goal down into small steps that can be taken daily. “Daily steps” create momentum, and momentum is just like magic! Momentum energizes us all and is a major factor in getting our goals accomplished!

Step 3: Show God You are Serious by Taking Action!

A goal supported with action is a goal supported by God. A goal supported by God, is a goal/dream that comes true.

“Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” – Galatians 6:7

In order for a harvest, we must first take the action of planting, cultivating, and nurturing our seed aka dream.

Dream big and take massive action!


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas.